Are you doing okay with who you are, where you are…or do you wish for more?

I love the obvious but relevant quote found in Dallas Willard’s book Divine Conspiracy. Willard said, “…not going to London or Atlanta is a poor plan for going to New York.” That’s pretty apparent, right? But how often do we approach our spiritual growth and relationship with Christ through expectations of landing in one place, while walking in the direction towards another? Life change requires one simple thing: your willingness to let Jesus work.

If you want things to change you’ve got to be intentional. Jesus can certainly do much in a church service, but consider what He might do in your life if you gave Him an all-access pass and you started experiencing Him more. Author and Pastor Tim Keller said, “To the degree you experience God’s love toward you – that He sees you as beautiful and radiant – you will be changed.”

You might pick up your Bible or cry out when it’s convenient, in need of an emotional boost, or to throw a request Jesus’s way for something you’re hoping for…but what change might happen if you met Jesus over coffee every morning, while you pause for lunch, at the start of your evening, or all throughout your every days? You might begin trusting more of your life with Him, and begin to know Him as Friend (John 15:15.) Taking it to another level, as you learn to trust Him You might begin understanding that sometimes, instead of answering your immediate hopes, Jesus sees beyond it and He wants to meet your greater need, which is ultimately better for you in the longrun. As you experience Him more, your life changes more.

If you’re fed up with life as is and status quo, pause a moment and let The Message version of Luke 11:28–30 sink into your soul: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I’m encouraging you to jump into the Bible. Does it take time? Sure it does. But any relationship is worth your time, and a relationship with Jesus is worth it all. Read God’s Word, listen to it, speak it, breathe it…because we believe you’ll begin to catch brighter glimpses into how God sees you and what He desires for your life, all because of His incredible love for you.

Then find others who are following Jesus and get together. You’ll be amazed at how your life can move when you gather with others in His name, learning more about Him, depending on Jesus, bringing honest questions and finding truthful answers.