“In the morning Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”  Psalm 5.3

As you look to set the refresh button on a new year, consider this: your God is waiting to hear your voice every morning. Put aside new resolutions, simply recognize His presence in your every day life. Every morning He refreshes as He hears your voice and listens to you.

Open your eyes, stretch out your arms, breathe in your day and thank God for His presence. Then lay your requests before Him and trust that His promises are true…He hears you.

“Look up” in the morning and you’ll discover a most Loving God looking down in favor on the rest of your day. Wait expectantly for His voice. He is listening. Now, are you?

His grace is sufficient for every day. Wake up, make space and talk to Him. Let mercy and His grace envelope your day.